We ask your garage to carry out a diagnostic test that informs us of the problem with the vehicle and confirms that the DPF is blocked. Sometimes there are other issues with the vehicle and this diagnostic test at around £25 plus VAT payable to your garage will inform this.
When you take your vehicle to a garage if a fault is indicated on your dashboard, it is important to request that the garage identifies the faults that have triggered the DPF warning light. Th causes can range from the vehicle having a turbo failure , an EGR valve failure or blockage , a faulty sensor or injector or a secondary reason why the vehicle is not performing a regeneration, which in turn can block a DPF filter.
Our support team will ask you if you request a DPF clean the codes that the garage have found as faults. The 12mth warranty we provide relies upon us understanding that the root cause of your DPF blockage is resolved.